日時: 平成27年 11月6日(金) 14時00分〜17時30分
場所:キャンパスプラザ京都 6階第7講習室
講演1 |
Chern (National Central University,
Taiwan) |
時間 |
14:00〜15:30 |
題目 |
the Elliptic Equations of Hardy-Sobolev Type with Multiple Boundary
Singularities (2)On the Multivortex Solutions of Maxwell-Chern-Simons Model |
概要 |
(1)In this talk, we are interested in how the geometry of boundary singularities can affect the attainability of the respective best Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg and Hardy-Sobolev constant. (2)Regarding the self-dual equations of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons model, we study several aspects of different types of solutions of a general elliptic system on R2. We establishes the following:
(a)Uniqueness of radially symmetric topological solutions. (b) Structure of all radially symmetric solutions. (c)An energy result that classifies non-topological solutions
with a single vortex. (d)Uniqueness for multi-vortex, topological solutions for a
range of parameters. |
講演2 |
Soohyun (Hanbat National University,
Korea) |
時間 |
16:00〜17:30 |
題目 |
self-similarity of positive radial solutions for quasilinear
equations of Lane-Emden
type |
概要 |
Asymptotic self-similarity is a basic
tool to study positive entire solutions in Lane-Emden equations. In this talk,
we explain the asymptotic self-similarity for quasilinear equations of Lane-Emden
type. One of related papers is "A generalized Pohozaev identity and its
applications" by Kawano, Ni and Yotsutani in 1990. |
日時: 平成27年 5月8日(金) 14時00分〜17時30分
場所:キャンパスプラザ京都 6階第7講習室
講演1 |
Jusup(九州大学大学院理学研究院) |
時間 |
14:00〜15:30 |
題目 |
ontogeny, population dynamics, and social dilemmas into a mathematical
framework for bioresource management |
概要 |
Population dynamics is at the heart of almost
every scientifically-based attempt to manage bioresources. Because of the
complexity of the phenomena at the population level, such attempts rely on
extremely simplifying assumptions regarding the ontogenetic development or
the socio-economic interactions. For example, ontogeny is often represented
by fitting length-at-age or fecundity-at-age curves to the data, resulting in
statistical relationships that completely ignore the changing environment.
Also, harvesting policies are commonly prescribed in terms of sustainable
yields obtained from the population models, thus ignoring the self-interest
of harvesters who pursue maximum short-term profits. By contrast, we focus on
showing how the elements of physiological energetics, population dynamics,
and game theory combine together into an integrative mathematical framework
for bioresource management with which the problems beyond those arising from
the population-level phenomena can be tackled. Having the framework in place,
we discuss why more sophisticated models, rather than having better
predictive power, actually highlight the gaps in knowledge that (should) lead
to more nimble and, therefore, robust management strategies. |
講演2 |
Beauchemin (Ryerson
University) |
時間 |
16:00〜17:30 |
題目 |
mathematical lessons from influenza infections:Reality is a tough teacher! |
概要 |
In this presentation, I will discuss some of the
interesting things we learned about mathematical modelling and the
assumptions we make when creating models of virus infections. I will also
discuss a series of modelling improvements we have considered over the years,
including the addition of realistic delays for the time spent by a cell in a
particular state, the consideration of cell co-infection by defective
interfering virus, and the impact of the spatial environment of the infection
on its spread through the respiratory tract and on its severity. |
日時: 平成27年 4月24日(金) 14時00分〜17時30分
場所:キャンパスプラザ京都 6階第7講習室
講演1 |
Pauš(明治大学) |
時間 |
14:00〜15:30 |
題目 |
Parametric mean curvature flow for
open curves and its application |
概要 |
The talk focuses on the parametric description of
evolving open curves with fixed or free end points. The curves are driven by
the normal velocity. We will present suitable mathematical model, its
numerical description, and computer simulation results. We will also show
that the motion preserves convexity of the curve similarly to the mean
curvature flow of closed curves. The curve pinching will also be dealt. The
numerical model for open curves is then applied in the field of discrete
dislocation dynamics and Beloushov-Zhabotinsky reaction. Mainly the spiral
motion is dealt. The presented model also incorporates the redistribution of
the discretization points and an improved algorithm for topological changes
of the curves (i.e., splitting and merging of the curves). |
講演2 |
秋山 正和 (北海道大学電子科学研究所) |
時間 |
16:00〜17:30 |
題目 |
平面内細胞極性の数理モデルと解の安定性について |
概要 |
髪の毛や眉毛の「毛の流れ」がどのように決まっているか考えた |